Sunflower Cake Pan Agar Agar Mold
big sunflower mold for agar agar/cake
nice agar agar mold in shape of sunflower
sunflower agar agar cake pan
sunflower agar agar mold measurement

Sunflower Cake Pan Agar Agar Mold

My Bake Store Shop

Regular price S$20.30 S$16.25 Sale

Sunflower Cake Pan Agar Agar Mold

This pretty SunFlower agar-agar mould or cake pan can be used for baking your favourite butter/chocolate cake or use it to make your jello/agar-agar.
Your agar-agar/jelly cake will turn out to be really special.
It is made easy to clean, demould, wash, as well as durable.


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